Sunday, January 1, 2012

The First Day

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  
Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC)

It is January 1st 2012 the first day of the challenge.  I really really did not want to exercise today ( wanted to take a nap instead) but figured instead of taking a nap I would at least do a little on the treadmill, or as I like to call it Satan's sidewalk.  After removing the clothes draped over this high class expensive coat rack I pushed the start button on my effort. 

I bought an exercise app for my iphone called C25K which is going to help me get into shape for my 1st 5K in February. You alternate between jogging and walking for 35 minutes. There is a woman with a pleasant English accent who prompts you "run" or "walk". It must be pretty effective because at the end of 35 minutes I was sweating like a sweater wearing gorilla in Phoenix in the summertime. 

In terms of diet, I am going the high protein route. I made a big quinoa salad, a chicken salad, and a vegetable tray. Should be no excuses to eat better with lunch already made for the week. Oh yeah, high fiber foods make you poop like a dysentery patient. Maybe I should dial the fiber back. 

One last thought. Always be careful on a treadmill. It can hurt you.


  1. The poop comment made me laugh out loud :) I gotta get that app, sounds awesome!

  2. ok, laughed harder at the treadmill video!

  3. Oh Joe. To funny!! Lol!! Kristina. W.
