Sunday, January 22, 2012

Men's Fatness Editor MIA

So you might have noticed that I have been pretty quiet lately. A couple of weeks ago I ended up getting sick with a sinus infection and have been loafing around trying to get to feeling better.  I went to the doctor and got some antibiotics and am now feeling mostly better.

Problem is I pushed pause on the exercise and diet and now have to start back at square one. In my mind the effort is kinda like pushing a car that ran out of gas. It is easy to maintain the momentum once the car is rolling. It is hard to get it moving though. That's where I am at. Trying to get this car rolling, except it feels like I am a mouse pushing a semi trailer.

Its funny how easy it is to rationalize laziness. I was sitting on the couch thinking...."man I need to run on the treadmill. That will take initiative (I don't have), energy (nonexistent), and putting my shoes on (too hard). So there on the couch I sat thinking to myself, "James is going to beat me in the challenge."

So with that note, this video below pretty much describes the last two weeks.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ask Men's Fatness- "Is it normal to be so sore that it hurts to sit?"

So yesterday morning I destroyed myself with a workout.  I couldn't sleep so I woke up early and decided to do some weight training.  I sure can feel it today in my legs.  Went and sat on the potty at work and was glad to have the disabled grab bars on the walls to get up with.  Tying my shoes is another problem. My legs are so sore I had a hard time bending down to lace up my shoes. I can see why old dudes wear slip-on loafers. Hmm....if this keeps up I might have to do some shoe shopping. I am thinking that this might be a good look for me. (This is the way I feel)

So my program is basically get into good enough shape to start P90x without killing myself.  I have started two times in the past and fizzled out after a couple of weeks.  I am doing weights and running on the treadmill.  If you ever have the chance, check out the Bowflex adjustable dumbbells. They are so slick and don't take a ton of room.  At work I make it a point to stand up and pace around like a caged porcupine when on the phone  to burn some calories and stay loose. This seems to work well to keep from stiffening up, but me walking around in circles tends to make my coworkers nervous.

Doing good though. Am eating pretty clean. Haven’t weighed myself yet but have already gone one notch tighter on my belt. It's pretty funny, I was looking in my closet to get dressed for a meeting and realized that I have a pair of suit pants that are so tight that every time I wear them I get a headache.  Here is your first Men's Fatness fashion tip. Choose pants that won't make your head hurt.

Seriously, is this supposed to hurt this bad? I thought getting in shape would put a spring in my step, not make me feel like I am an 80 year old arthritic. Let's see how the next week goes.   

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The First Day

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  
Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC)

It is January 1st 2012 the first day of the challenge.  I really really did not want to exercise today ( wanted to take a nap instead) but figured instead of taking a nap I would at least do a little on the treadmill, or as I like to call it Satan's sidewalk.  After removing the clothes draped over this high class expensive coat rack I pushed the start button on my effort. 

I bought an exercise app for my iphone called C25K which is going to help me get into shape for my 1st 5K in February. You alternate between jogging and walking for 35 minutes. There is a woman with a pleasant English accent who prompts you "run" or "walk". It must be pretty effective because at the end of 35 minutes I was sweating like a sweater wearing gorilla in Phoenix in the summertime. 

In terms of diet, I am going the high protein route. I made a big quinoa salad, a chicken salad, and a vegetable tray. Should be no excuses to eat better with lunch already made for the week. Oh yeah, high fiber foods make you poop like a dysentery patient. Maybe I should dial the fiber back. 

One last thought. Always be careful on a treadmill. It can hurt you.